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Reagan An American Story by Adriana Bosch

Bosch, Adriana.  Reagan An American Story.  2000, TV Books.  Second Edition.  Softcover.

Last week I pointed out that I really like political books by or about figures that haven’t, yet, achieved the highest office that they’re going to attain.  This week, I’m reviewing one from a category that I don’t, usually enjoy.  This book is based upon a TV documentary from The American Experience series.  I’ve found that books made from documentaries or movies tend to be superficial and less well written (those of you that have read Pierre Trudeau’s Memoirs and seen the video know EXACTLY what I’m talking about).

There are obvious reasons for this.  A documentary or movie has to flow to hold it’s audience.  It would be impossible to include everything of interest or even everything of importance.  That’s the downside to this book.

Lou Cannon, a reporter out of Los Angeles, has written three major works on Reagan.  He was interviewed extensively for the documentary.  As such, he is referenced a great deal for this book.  Having read his books, this felt like a Coles Notes version of what he has already done.

A big plus for me is that I haven’t seen the documentary.  That made this more interesting.  The American Experience was given a great deal of access to the Reagan family, and, as a result, Reagan insiders.  This provided an insight that other books haven’t had.

The book gleans over every component of his life.  His early life in IL.  His move to Ohio.  His being “discovered” by Hollywood.  His service during the war.  His time as head of the union (fun fact…Ronald Reagan is the only former union president to ever become President of the United States…this isn’t, specifically, noted in the book, but, I still find it a fun fact).  It moves to his work for General Electric and his support for Barry Goldwater in 1964.

The book then goes into his campaign for Governor of California.  It briefly discusses some of the highlights of his administration (though, some opponents do offer contrary views).

From the state house to the White House.  It touches on his runs for the Presidency and goes into highlights of his time in office.  If focuses on a few key areas.  It really doesn’t go into much detail.

The story concludes with his letter announcing his diagnosis with Alzheimer’s.

The book concludes with people reviewing his legacy.

The book is, by no means, an academic treaties.  It is, however, a fun read that gives a quick back ground of America’s 40th President.  If you’re looking for a quick read that gives some insight into the man then this book is for you.  Enjoy.

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